FAO and Urban Forestry
FAO Information Note Page on Urban Forestry
Contact: Michelle Gauthier
Forestry Officer (Land use and agroforestry)
Forest Conservation, Research and Education Service (FORC)
FAO, 00100 Rome, Italy
room: D-473
phone: ++39-06-5705 4341
fax: ++39-06-5705 5137
Email: michelle.gauthier@fao.org
Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry: Case Studies in Developing Countries
FAO. 1999. Rome, Department of Forestry, Food and Agriculture Organization, 200 pp. (English)
To OrderWith the occurring demographic shifts, causing rapid and uncontrolled urbanization in many parts of the developing world, the issue of urban development is likely to become a focal one in the coming decade. Urban forestry has an important potential role in meeting the needs of the urban population and in addressing the social and environmental problems that arise from urbanization. This is the subject of the six case studies that review the present and potential role of urban forestry in the Sahel (Dakar, Niamey, Nouakchott and Ouagadougou); Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore; Quito; Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region; Cairo; and Iran and its capital, Tehran. Among the issues addressed are the extent to which urban forestry can provide goods and services, and the role of forestry in environmental protection and enhancement of living conditions. The case studies address issues related to planning, coordination, management and people's participation, and suggest recommendations for the specific cities which could also be adapted to other cities.
(French version : forthcoming June 2000)
Case studies:
- Rouchiche, Salah. "A case study of the Sahel - Dakar, Niamey, Nouakchott and Ouagadougou".
- Webb, Richard. "A case study of Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore".
- Murray, Sharon. "A case study of Quito".
- Pastuk, Mar’lia. "A case study of Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region".
- El-Lakany, Hosny. "A case study of Cairo".
- Mehdipour Ataie, Ahmad. "A case study of Iran and its capital, Tehran".
The Potential of Urban Forestry in Developing Countries: A Concept Paper.
Carter, E.J. 1994. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization. 90 pp. (English, French and Spanish)This publication examines the role of urban and peri-urban forestry in developing countries and the key issues to be addressed in promoting related programmes in these countries. The document introduces the concepts and definitions of urban and peri-urban forestry and discusses historical trends and the current status of urbanization and urban forestry in different regions of the world. The potential for urban forestry development, and benefits and problems are examined. Technical, social and cultural, and institutional aspects of developing urban and peri-urban programmes are discussed. Documentation on urban forestry in developing countries is far more limited than that on developed countries and the level of awareness of the issues is less pronounced; this publication seeks to begin to address these imbalances.
An Annotated Bibliography on Urban Forestry in Developing Countries.
1995. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization. 100 pp. (English)This annotated bibliography includes almost 600 entries related to urban and peri-urban forestry in developing and tropical countries. Some general references universally relevant are also included. Four indexes are included to aid in the location of reference material: keywords index, geographic index, author or corporate auther index, and conference index.
Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry in Quito, Ecuador: A Case-Study.
Murray, S. 1997. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 104 pp. (English, and Spanish)This publication is the first of six case studies commissioned to document work in urban and peri-urban forestry in the different developing regions of the world. This study on Quito illustrates to those unfamiliar with the field and to those working on urban and peri-urban forestry programmes the issues faced by different civil groups, NGOs, public and private institutions. It presents the approaches these groups adopted to integrate trees and forests to improve the lives of urban dwellers and enhance the urban environment. Some of the issues presented are landslides and watershed management, land use changes and markets, and the needs for green recreational areas, creation of productive activities and employment. It is a complex and fascinating subject, an area of forestry where social and ecological concerns are most closely intertwined.
Unasylva - No. 173 - Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry
An international journal of the forestry and food industries - Vol. 44 - 1993/2Table of Contents
Editorial - Urban and peri-urban forestry
G. Kuchelmeister and S. Braatz
Urban forestry revisitedAdaptation by S. Dember
Urban forestry in BeijingW.R. Burch, Jr and J.M. Grove
People, trees and participation on the urban frontierM. Caballero Deloya
Urban forestry in Mexico CityG. Profous and R. Rowntree
Structure and management of the urban forest in PragueD.J. Nowak and E.G. McPherson
Quantifying the impact of trees: The Chicago Urban Forest Climate ProjectE.H. Séne Urban and peri-urban forests in sub-Saharan Africa: The Sahel
P.E. Schroeder; R.K. Dixon and J.K. Winjum Forest management and agroforestry to sequester and conserve atmospheric carbon dioxide
World of forestry
Works in progress: FAO annotated bibliography on urban forestry
Accessible information on forestry management
New directions for world bank forestry efforts in Asia
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