Published by City Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture


A Training Manual on Urban And Peri-Urban Agriculture (For Nepal)

Prepared by:
Pradeepmani A. Dixit
Ram Bahadur Bhandari

Agro-Farm Forestry Association, Nepal (AFFAN)
Kathmandu, Nepal

C/o CESOD, Paryatak Marg, Yak & Yeti complex
P. O. Box 2303
Kathmandu - Nepal

This page includes the Acknowledgment, Few Words From The Authors and Table of Contents from the paper. The rest of the report (21,000 words) can be downloaded here as a PDF(120K) A Training Manual on Urban And Peri-Urban Agriculture (For Nepal)


This Directory with names, addresses and expertise of individuals, organizations institutions and government agencies have been carefully prepared after extensive survey, interaction and consultation. Every name mentioned in the directory is involved in urban and Peri Urban Agriculture (UPA) in one way or the other. This directory also includes names of those individuals or organizations who, though not involved in UPA at present can contribute to its development when they get involved in the future.

Every one we met or were contacted during the course of the preparation of the document was extremely helpful. All of them deserve our sincere thanks. We would like to express special thanks to Mr. Roger Finan, Regional Director, IDRC, South Asia Regional Office, New Delhi for his support.

We would also like to thank Dr. Madhav Karki from the same office for his guidance and encouragement throughout the preparation period of this manuscript.

We want to express our thanks to Mr. Prayag Manandhar for typing the manuscript and the Tandukar brothers for helping us bring the document in the present from. We would also like to thank everyone else who helped us in the course of this work.

Few Words From The Authors

This training manual was planned and developed after extensive studies were conducted to identify the needs and requirements of more than twenty different partners who contribute to UPA development. The findings have been summarized in the publication entitled partners for UPA Development which has been the basis on which this training book on UPA has been designed and developed.

The training manual has suggestions, ideas, recommendations and technologies which can contribute to UPA development in Nepal. It is hoped that this manual will be successful in presenting (in a forceful manner) the importance of UPA to urban planners, policy makers, legislatures, development workers and urban and periurban resource and administration managers. This manual also has materials which will make the work of the UPA farmer easier and productive.

Urban and Peri Urban Agriculture (UPA) has been in existence in Nepal since time immemorial. The Jyapus of Kathmandu were excellent producers of food in the valley. Similar groups are also found in other parts of Nepal. This training manual will present information which will help to improve traditional technologies. It will present new appropriate technologies which will be useful to the urban and peri-urban farmers in food production, processing, preservation and utilization.

Many, in government planning offices have not given serious attention to UPA. This training manual will try to present the case of UPA development for the attention of this group who can contribute significantly to UPA development in Nepal.

Pradeepmani A. Dixit
Ram Bahadur Bhandari

This work was completed with a grant assistance from THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE (IDRC), South Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India.


Chapter - I 1-14
A. What is Urban Agriculture - Peri Urban Agriculture (UPA) 1
B. Urban Peri Urban Agriculture a Subject of Priority 2
C. The Role of the Authorities in the Development of UPA in Nepal 5
D. The Zoning Concept 7
E. Research and Development Needs and the Role of the Government
Research Stations 8
F. Extension Strategies for UPA development in Nepal 10
G. Networking 11
H. Attitude 13

Chapter - II 15-28
Technologies that Help Urban Peri Urban Agriculture (UPA)
A. The Traditional Urban and Peri Urban Farmers 15
B. The Soil 15
C. Maintain Soil Fertility in Urban Farms 17
D. Preparation and "Repairing" Soils in Urban Agricultural Plots 19
E. Where can the UPA Farmer Get the Organic Matter he Needs 19
a. Green manures 19
b. Manures 20
c. Compost 21
d. Vermiculture Biotechnology 22
e. Leaves and Sheet Composting 24
f. Other Wastes 24
F. Seeds, Seedlings and Plantation 25

Chapter -III 29-34
A. Plant Protection 29
a. Inset repellant 32
b. Contact Poison (for sucking insects) 33

Chapter - IV 35-44
Organic Waste
Food, Fuel and Fertilizer from Organic Wastes 35
Types of Wastes 35
Domestic Wastes 35
Animal wastes 36
Liquid Fertilizer from Manure 37
Other Common Animal Wastes 39
Fish Waste 41
Fish emulsion Fertilizer 41
Fish Offal Waste 42
Mushroom waste 42
Agricultural by-products (Crop residues) 42
Fuel from waste 43
Briquettes: 43

Chapter - V 45-58
The Urban and Peri Urban Fruit Grower (Horticulture) 45
Mulching 46
Insect Control 47
Fruit and Vegetable Preservation 48
By-products from Fruits and Vegetables 51
Some Useful Tips for the Urban Cattle Farmers 51
Animal Feed from Urban Waste 52
Waste from the Vegetable/Fruit Markets 53
Some Useful Tips for Mushroom Cultivators 54
Honey Production 55
Benefits 57
Nutrition 58
Income 58

Chapter - VI 59-61
Urban, Peri Urban Agriculture in the Changing Urban Scenario : 59
(Direction for the Future)

Chapter - VII 62-63
Useful Informatin for the Urban/Peri Urban Milkman 62

Appendix 65-70

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Revised Jan 12, 2014

Published by City Farmer
Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture