Contents of Site
The Support Group on Urban Agriculture [SGUA] will add information to this site over the next year. Watch this page for new additions.
- Urban Agriculture a Global Initiative
- New brochure introducing an international effort by CARE International, City Farmer, Developing Countries Farm Radio Network, DGlS (Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs), ETC Netherlands, FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization), GTZ (German Technical Cooperation), lDRC (International Development Research Centre), lFPRl (International Food Policy Research Institute), NRl (Natural Resources International) TUAN (The Urban Agriculture Network), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), World Bank, World Sustainable Agriculture Association, Members of the academic community. July 1997.
- Mayors Discuss Urban Agriculture at the United Nations
Urban Agriculture For Food Security, Jobs And Waste Recovery: Roundtable of Top Local Government Officials, 29 July 1997
- Press Release (opening page)
- Urban Agriculture Group Forms a Global Facility: to Reduce Food Insecurity, Create Jobs and Improve the Environment in Cities.
- SGUA Participants
- Participants at the Third Meeting of the The Support Group on Urban Agriculture [SGUA], March 18 - 19, 1996, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada are listed here.
- The Urban Agriculture Network Reports
- TUAN supplies a news update for September, 1996.
- Urban Agriculture, Progress and Prospect: 1975-2005 by Jac Smit
- International Development Research Centre publishes Report 18 in their 'Cities Feeding People Series', March 1996, (8000 words).
- Cities Feeding People
- Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) will encourage policy and technology for sustainable agricultural use of urban resources.
- Urban Agriculture: Green And Healthy Cities
- "Ms Luna in Valparizo raises one-third of her family's nutritional needs during the year. In addition to creating a healthy diet for her family, she raises culinary and medicinal herbs which are sold at retail by a grocer near her husband's job." From Jac Smit's article in Our Planet.
- European Contacts Sought For Urban Agriculture Research
- ETC and TUAN are working on an inventory and analysis of European experiences on Urban Agriculture. Contacts sought. Urban Agriculture Notes